
Arm of Vendel Reyune, Thesorcery, sorcerers/wizards, sorcerous corruption, PatronChaotic90Angels, Daemons, & Beings Between
Enzazza ♀, Queen of the Hivebees, wasps, & their kin, PatronNeutral3Angels, Daemons, & Beings Between
Four Maidens of Tylin ♀nature, the elements, PatronLawful11Angels, Daemons, & Beings Between
Hecate ♀witches, PatronChaotic25Angels, Daemons, & Beings Between
Hhaaashreptiles, Lord Duke, PatronNeutral33Angels, Daemons, & Beings Between
King Halgaz Bekurundead, hatred, conflict, revenge, malign genius, PatronChaotic17Angels, Daemons, & Beings Between
Lavarial ♀, Angel of the Templeinnocents, travelers, heroism, order, PatronLawful42Angels, Daemons, & Beings Between
Logosperfect form & order, mechanisms, mindless obedience, PatronLawful49Angels, Daemons, & Beings Between
Moerg (Grome)lord of earthNeutral84Angels, Daemons, & Beings Between
Pesh Joomang, the Gate & Keeperpower, greatness, glory, overcoming, PatronNeutrallinkAngels, Daemons, & Beings Between
Ptah-Ungurath, Opener of the Wayforbidden & higher knowledge, super-science, experimentation, monstrosities, PatronChaotic57Angels, Daemons, & Beings Between
Radhurabbits (King of), wariness, stealth, trickery & cleverness, expeditious retreats, PatronNeutral67Angels, Daemons, & Beings Between
Set-Utekh, the Destroyerdestruction of all things, the great apocalypse, PatronChaotic75Angels, Daemons, & Beings Between
Umwansh, Father of the Waves (Straasha)the sea, Lord of Many Treasures, PatronNeutral84Angels, Daemons, & Beings Between
Yan Oshoth, Revered Ancestor (Statesman, Warrior, & Poet)family, familial loyalty, honor, wisdom, nobility of spirit, PatronLawful96Angels, Daemons, & Beings Between
Van den Danderclanden9Crawl #1
Patron Spells of the Supernal Archmage9Crawl #3
Sending of Sliggeth21Crawl #9
Sliggeth18Crawl #9
New Space Gods, The2Crawl Jammer #5
Theszolokomodra22 & 15Crawling Under a Broken Moon #3 & #4
Earth-Brain of the Cyberhive3Crawling Under a Broken Moon #4
Mighty Kizz, The8Crawling Under a Broken Moon #4
Ars-Eleeta ♀25CrawlJammer #5
Avatar of Ars-Eleeta ♀26CrawlJammer #5
Garun18CrawlJammer #5
Sister Ultiva ♀3CrawlJammer #5
Sperato10CrawlJammer #5
Weal22DAMN #1
Ahrimandeath & diseaseChaotic32DCC RPG
Amun Tormysteries & riddlesNeutral32DCC RPG
Aristemis ♀insightful one, true seeing & strategy, demi-goddessLawful32DCC RPG
Azi Dahakademon prince of storms & wasteChaotic32DCC RPG
Bobugbubilzdemon lord of evil amphibiansChaotic32DCC RPG
Cadixtatchaos titanChaotic32DCC RPG
Choranusseer father, lord of creationLawful32DCC RPG
Cthulhuthe old ones, madness, forbidden knowledge Neutral32DCC RPG
Daentharmountain lord, earth & industryLawful32DCC RPG
Gorhanthe helmed vengeance, valor & chivalryLawful32DCC RPG
Hidden Lordsecrets & forbidden knowledgeChaotic32DCC RPG
Ildavir ♀natureNeutral32DCC RPG
Justicia ♀justice & mercyLawful32DCC RPG
Klazath♀warLawful32DCC RPG
Malotochcarrion crow godChaotic32DCC RPG
Nimlurunthe unclean one, lord of filth & pollutionChaotic32DCC RPG
Pelagia ♀the seaNeutral32DCC RPG
Shulthe moonLawful32DCC RPG
UleshpeaceLawful32DCC RPG
Ariochmagic, forbidden secrets, power, elitism, combat, chaosChaoticMelnibonéan Mythos87Deities & Demi-Gods
Donblas the Justice Makerjustice, order, & lawLawfulMelnibonéan Mythos88Deities & Demi-Gods
Grome of the Earthearth & earth elementalsNeutralMelnibonéan Mythos89Deities & Demi-Gods
Haashaastaak, Lord of Lizardsall lizards (paragon/beast-lord)NeutralMelnibonéan Mythos90Deities & Demi-Gods
Kakatalfire & fire elementalsNeutralMelnibonéan Mythos90Deities & Demi-Gods
Meerclar ♀, Mistress of Catsall cats (paragon/beast-lord)NeutralMelnibonéan Mythos91Deities & Demi-Gods
Misha & Graollair, winds, & air elementalsNeutralMelnibonéan Mythos91Deities & Demi-Gods
Nnuuurrrr'c'c', Lord of Flying Insectsall flying insects (paragon/beast-lord)NeutralMelnibonéan Mythos92Deities & Demi-Gods
Nuru-ahall cattle (paragon/beast-lord)NeutralMelnibonéan Mythos92Deities & Demi-Gods
Pyaray the Tentacled Whisperer of Impossible Secretsdrowned chaotic sailors (enslaves them), things hidden & secret in watersChaoticMelnibonéan Mythos93Deities & Demi-Gods
Roofdrakall dogs (paragon/beast-lord)NeutralMelnibonéan Mythos93Deities & Demi-Gods
Straasha of the Waterssea, water, & water elementalsNeutralMelnibonéan Mythos94Deities & Demi-Gods
Xiombarg ♀♂shapeshifting, transvestism, combat, chaosChaoticMelnibonéan Mythos95Deities & Demi-Gods
AesmaChaoticMelnibonéan MythosNAElric Saga
AlastorChaoticMelnibonéan MythosNAElric Saga
Archduke BalarizaafChaoticMelnibonéan MythosNAElric Saga
ArkynWhite Lord of LawLawfulMelnibonéan MythosNAElric Saga
Arnara the six-breasted ♀ChaoticMelnibonéan MythosNAElric Saga
Balaan-MarthimChaoticMelnibonéan MythosNAElric Saga
Balan the GrimChaoticMelnibonéan MythosNAElric Saga
Balo the Jester of the Court of Chaosperplexity, paradox, amusement (trickster)unknownMelnibonéan MythosNAElric Saga
Chardros the Reaperdestruction, death, & beauty, 1 of 3 oldest Chaos LordsChaoticMelnibonéan MythosNAElric Saga
Checkalakh the Burning Godfire & flameChaoticMelnibonéan MythosNAElric Saga
Duke Teerbloodthirst, blood sacrificeChaoticMelnibonéan MythosNAElric Saga
Eequor, Lady of Chaosshades of blueChaoticMelnibonéan MythosNAElric Saga
Fileet, Lady of Birdsall birds (paragon/beast-lord)NeutralMelnibonéan MythosNAElric Saga
Haborym of the Fires which DestroyChaoticMelnibonéan MythosNAElric Saga
Hionhurn the ExecutionerChaoticMelnibonéan MythosNAElric Saga
Mabelode the Faceless1 of 3 oldest Chaos LordsChaoticMelnibonéan MythosNAElric Saga
MalakChaoticMelnibonéan MythosNAElric Saga
MalohinChaoticMelnibonéan MythosNAElric Saga
Mashabakenemies of AriochChaoticMelnibonéan MythosNAElric Saga
Miggea, Insane Lady of Law ♀LawfulMelnibonéan MythosNAElric Saga
NarjhanChaoticMelnibonéan MythosNAElric Saga
NizilfkmChaoticMelnibonéan MythosNAElric Saga
Orunlu the Keeperguardian of the Book of Dead GodsChaoticMelnibonéan MythosNAElric Saga
SaebosChaoticMelnibonéan MythosNAElric Saga
ShalodLawfulMelnibonéan MythosNAElric Saga
Slortar the Oldeldest of the 3 oldest Chaos LordsChaoticMelnibonéan MythosNAElric Saga
Tangled Woman, Lady of Plants ♀plants, particularly roses (paragon/"beast"-lord)NeutralMelnibonéan MythosNAElric Saga
TeshwanChaoticMelnibonéan MythosNAElric Saga
VerdeletChaoticMelnibonéan MythosNAElric Saga
VezhanChaoticMelnibonéan MythosNAElric Saga
ZhortraChaoticMelnibonéan MythosNAElric Saga
Ahirman (The Deathbringer)greater god, death, disease, sufferingChaotic Evil20Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Ahpuchac (The Black Jaguar)demigod, the underworld, MarasNeutral20Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Amun Tor (The Father of Riddles)greater god, mystery, riddlesNeutral20-21Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Amzololarchdevil, deceptionLawful Evil21Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Anahuara (The Blessing of Night)♀demigod, Amoya, the MoonsNeutral Good21Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Ankharet (The Cursed)♀demigod, sphinxesNeutral Evil21-22Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Aristemis (The Insightful One)♀demigod, strategy, diplomacy, true seeingNeutral22Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Auzarr (Keeper of the Nexus)♀greater god, transitive planes, transportation, psionicsNeutral22-23Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Axaluatl (The Shadow Serpent)demigod, nagas, reptilesLawful Evil23Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Azi Dahakademon prince, storms, wasteChaotic Evil23-24Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Bargul♀demigod, death, undead, drow, lawLawful EvilGazetteer of the Known Realms
Bei'Thor (Centurion of Evil)archdevil, cruelty, sadismLawful Evil24Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Bobugbubilz (The Toadfiend)demigod, evil ampibiansChaotic Evil24Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Cadixtat (The Severed Chaos)demigod, chaosChaotic Evil24Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Calchoti (The Rain Queen)♀demigod, rain, charityChaotic Good25Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Centivus (The Shaper)greater god, creation, artistry, possibility, transmutation, conjurationNeutral25Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Chondri (The Voracious)demigod, deep-dwelling marine life, aggresssionNeutral Good25Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Choranus (The Seer Father)greater god, creation, destiny, magicLawful26Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Coatlimict (The Skull-Father)demigod, war, carnage, undeathEvil26Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Cynhuara (The Radiant Serpent)♀demigod, nagas, reptilesLawful Good26-27Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Daenthar (The Hallowed Forge)greater god, earth, industry, vows, trustLawful Good27Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Delvyrlesser god, knowledge, learning, lightGood27Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Denithae♀lesser god, argiculture, harvest, earth, plants, protectionNeutralGazetteer of the Known Realms
Elas (The Lurker)♀demigod, deep-dwelling marine life, ambushEvil28Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Elyr (The Healing Touch)♀lesser god, healing, life, succorChaotic Good28Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Fenwar (The Firelord)lesser god, fire, lightning, the hearthNeutral28-29Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Gil'Maridth (The Torment)♀lesser god, nightmares, fear, night terrorsChaotic Evil29Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Gorhan (The Helmed Vengeance)lesser god, valor, war, chivalryLawful Good29-30Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Hidden Lordlesser god, secrets, misdirection, shadows, forbidden loreChaotic Evil30Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Huamext (The Restored)demigod, xulmec, protectionNeutral Good30Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Ildavir (The Giver of Form)♀greater god, creation, life, nature, animalsNeutral31Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Ilhuicatl (Lord of the Reef)demigod, the seaNeutral Good31Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Ilquot (The Bell in the Deep)demigod, cold waters, marine predators, retributionChaotic31-32Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Ireth (The Starmistresss)♀greater god, astronomy, forestry, wizardryChaotic Good32Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Izmaledt (The Lord of Many Forms)demon prince, obscenities, malformationChaotic Evil32Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Jezuel♀archdevil, pain, torture, indignityLawful Evil32Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Justicia (The Helmless Vigil)♀lesser god, justice, mercy, defenseLawful Good32-3Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Klazath (The Crimson Banner)♀lesser god, war, subjugationLawful Evil33Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Lagos (The Scaly God)demigod, antagonism, reptiles, savageryChaotic Evil33-34Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Lasheeva (Lady Dissolution)♀lesser god, undeath, murder, afflictionEvil34Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Madrah (Lord of the Earth and Sky)greater god, earth, skyNeutral34-35Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Malotoch (The Crow God)♀demigod, scavengers, ruin, cannibalismChaotic Evil35Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Myna (The Maid of Fortune)♀lesser god, chance, circumstance, fortuneChaotic35Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Narrimunath (The Lord of Disease)demigod, disease, verminLawful Evil35-36Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Neshti (The Stealthmaiden)♀lesser god, thievery, trickery, vigilantismChaotic Good36Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Nethruelarchdevil, obsession, addictionLawful Evil36Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Nimrulundemigod, filth, pollutionChaotic Evil36-37Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Oae (The Dreamer)lesser god, dreams, imagination, storytellingGood37-38Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Obitu-Quedemon prince, domination, prepotencyChaotic Evil38Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Olidyra (The Dauntless)♀greater god, travel, exploration, adventureNeutral38Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Ormazd (The Changeless)greater god, creation, the sun, prophesyLawful Good39Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Pelagia of the Singing Sea♀lesser god, oceans, seas, music, travelNeutral39Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Poderon (The Deep Delver)greater god, earth, commerce, festivityGood40Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Qayaqiqdemon prince, curiosity, desperation, suidiceChaotic Evil40Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Septych (The Blackhammer)demigod, avarice, tyrannyLawful Evil40-41Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Sestyruasarchdevil, envy, covetousnessLawful Evil40Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Shul (The Watcher in the Sky)lesser god, the moon, measurement, tradition, literacyLawful41Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Soleth (The Silent Death)lesser god, peaceful death, solitudeLawful41-42Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Sothulth (The All-Seeing Orb)demigod, paranoia, insanityChaotic42Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Teleus (The Obedient)archangel, lawLawful Good42Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Thalass (The River Father)demigod, terrestrial waters, musicNeutral43Gazetteer of the Known Realms
The Traitor (The Undying Lord)demigod, betrayal, chaos, madnessChaotic Evil44-45Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Thormyr (The Loyal)demigod, honor, duty, protectionLawful43Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Tlachinozal (The Scorched God)demigod, fireLawful Evil43-44Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Tororthun (The Stone Spider)♀lesser god, subterrain, denizens of the under-deep, malice, spidersChaotic Evil44Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Tzitzimitl (The Queen of Air)♀demon princess, destruction, ruinChaotic Evil45Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Valdreth (The Enduring)lesser god, time, longevity, integrityLawful45-46Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Variag (The Icelord)lesser god, ice, winter, warNeutral46Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Wyshalar♀lesser god, survival, vitality, protection, travel, trickeryChaoticGazetteer of the Known Realms
Xeluth (The Ravager)lesser god, violence, war, strifeEvil46Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Yvyn (The Righteous Slaughter)♀lesser god, conspiracy, holy war, rebellionEvil46-47Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Zhuhn (The Great Enemy)greater god, deception, blight, corruption, poison, falsehoodChaotic Evil47Gazetteer of the Known Realms
Ghrelinhunger & starvation, Demon LordChaotic21Gongfarmer's Almanac 2015 #2
Great Ebon Hand (GEH), TheChaotic of Neutral36Gongfarmer's Almanac 2015 #2
Hecate ♀witches, PatronChaotic or Neutral43Gongfarmer's Almanac 2015 #2
Johnny AppleseedPatronNeutral31Gongfarmer's Almanac 2015 #6
Will of Obitu-Que (The Eye of Obitu-Que)Demon (Type III)Chaotic54Gongfarmer's Almanac 2015, #2
Cireinterdimensional PatronGongfarmer's Almanac 2016
Cromheroism & battle-gloryNeutralHyborian MythosGongfarmer's Almanac 2016
Ibyk, Bull-headed Lord of the Black Sunwar, wealth, dancing, & lasciviousnessGongfarmer's Almanac 2016
Patsyhenchfolk, Patron GodGongfarmer's Almanac 2016
Sisssnagagarrassshsnake horn, PatronGongfarmer's Almanac 2016
Torvak, Enslaved Ape GodGongfarmer's Almanac 2016
Atraz A’Zul4Metal Gods of Ur-Hadad #3
Abondiance ♀ephemeral wealthNeutral3Petty Gods
Adassecstairs & laddersNeutral3Petty Gods
Aglaostorches & artificial lightNeutral4Petty Gods
Agletfrayed pieces of cord & stringsChaotic4Petty Gods
Amber Blood Sword ♀battle, blood-lust, & feminine protectionChaotic5Petty Gods
Ammon Thraxthe Black Sun (former godlet)ChaoticDeath Godlets of Suto Lore6Petty Gods
Anwyn WoodfavorsLawful6Petty Gods
Aparmisforunate explosionsChaoticYattle-Hoy6Petty Gods
oaths & wellsLawful10Petty Gods
Ariphas ♀fish scales & fishrotLawful7Petty Gods
Arolohnsolabyrinths & the undercityNeutral7Petty Gods
Arvirivethe keys of Law & the WardsLawfulThe Mearra8Petty Gods
AspixButcher's AlleyChaotic9Petty Gods
Atanuwéunicorns, death magicChaoticThe Jale God9Petty Gods
Atra ♀recidivism, licentiousness, addiction, & uncontrolled urgesChaotic10Petty Gods
Attrecoppea ♀very small spidersLawful11Petty Gods
Audrumcarnivorous plants (plant god)Neutral12Petty Gods
Aurus Argentuscurrency debasementNeutral13Petty Gods
Austura ♀the southeast windChaotic13Petty Gods
Averted OnlookerdespairvariesThe Jale God14Petty Gods
Avigiriordered decayLawful as NeutralThe Mearra14Petty Gods
Azwagiant stone heads in the wilderness (protector)unknown15Petty Gods
Baj'Lique ♀♂fertility, lasciviousness, lecheryChaotic16Petty Gods
Barococarabsurd architectureChaotic16Petty Gods
BartlebyinactivityLawful17Petty Gods
Bashiuuswine & merrimentChaotic17Petty Gods
Beast of Unbidden Challengesrandom violenceChaotic17Petty Gods
Behzdlost itemsNeutral18Petty Gods
Behzd & Vydia(twin gods)Neutral/Chaotic19Petty Gods
Bengvagabonds & con-artistsChaotic19Petty Gods
Beorihoney, mead, & beekeepersNeutral20Petty Gods
Berenedrilfolly, stupdity, & blind luckChaotic20Petty Gods
Blendtry ♀tallies & commerceLawful21Petty Gods
Bodenthe soilChaotic21Petty Gods
Bogrump Turnip HeadturnipsNeutral22Petty Gods
Bokrugmillennial revengeChaoticCthulhu22Petty Gods
Boulubeklost idolsLawful23Petty Gods
Bubulmaxadventures & musclesLawful23Petty Gods
Chaugnar Fuagnthe desert plateau of TsangChaoticCthulhu24Petty Gods
Chel-Kloth ♀the Dark Lakeunknown25Petty Gods
Chelk & Jodjstains (Chelk)/vandals (Jodj)Neutral/Chaotic25Petty Gods
Chicxulubdecaying orbitsChaotic26Petty Gods
Choozwiznon-magical crossroadsChaotic27Petty Gods
Chu-buthe mahogany idolNeutral27Petty Gods
Chulgheptagonal objectsLawful27Petty Gods
Churfazfilth & cisternsChaotic28Petty Gods
Clavibordoors & locksLawful28Petty Gods
Clerchad ♀commerceNeutral29Petty Gods
Clobreksundered blades, broken weapons, & fumbled attacksChaotic29Petty Gods
Coproliasspontaneous outburstsChaotic30Petty Gods
Corotus Thallianflying apes & other chimerical beastsChaotic31Petty Gods
Crombarbarians & steelNeutral32Petty Gods
Cunnianpotential knowledgeNeutral32Petty Gods
Curdle ♀blind milkmaidsChaotic33Petty Gods
Cuvoun le Clothierall-natural stitchingNeutral34Petty Gods
D'in'injaht ♀raving, ranting, & gibberishChaotic40Petty Gods
Davy Jonesdrowned sailors & watery doomNeutral35Petty Gods
Deekerpetty revengeNeutral35Petty Gods
Dekardinisdelvers, adventurers, & ten foot polesNeutral36Petty Gods
Derral-Orthsmall lights & flamesChaoticYattle-Hoy36Petty Gods
Detriax ♀space junk & derelict hopeChaotic37Petty Gods
Digisklerospostmortem groomingLawful38Petty Gods
Diit'WentiiminutiaeChaotic39Petty Gods
Dinudshield-makers, eggs, egg contents, & egg layersLawful41Petty Gods
Diplodiascrop rot & poor harvestsChaotic41Petty Gods
Divine Wormstillborn infantsNeutral42Petty Gods
Dogasfosdrowning & the drownedChaotic42Petty Gods
Drasheeng ♀drunken misconceptionChaotic43Petty Gods
E'rsae ♀rumor & gossipChaotic47Petty Gods
Elder Elementalvariesby individual44Petty Gods
Ellsbeth ♀damsels in distressChaotic46Petty Gods
Eraishoprotection from angry gamblersNeutral47Petty Gods
Expiurgechaos emboundChaotic47Petty Gods
Eye of Vengalate ♀non-lethal cursesChaoticYattle-Hoy48Petty Gods
Fallen Onefallen warriors & unsung heroesLawful49Petty Gods
Fattu Feri ♀corpse candles & the tribes of the bogChaotic49Petty Gods
Felorenmisdirection & lost travelersvaries50Petty Gods
Fimtakar ♀spices known & unkown, spice traders, & sea travelersLawful51Petty Gods
Flissikevanescent ideasNeutral51Petty Gods
Flooglost thingsLawful52Petty Gods
Fluxallecorroded cookware & brewing gone badChaotic52Petty Gods
Fubarmagical mishap & adventureChaotic53Petty Gods
Gadfiel ♀spells gone awryChaotic54Petty Gods
Galdu Aurkitu♀♂things lost & foundChaotic54Petty Gods
Galishma ♀darkness under bridges & the dispoing of bodiesChaotic55Petty Gods
Gilthigoetmagical & forgotten poolsNeutral55Petty Gods
Ginny Milk Eye ♀termagants & viragosChaotic56Petty Gods
Glariatime's lawful inevitabilityLawfulThe Mearra56Petty Gods
Glorfallacademic argumentsLawful57Petty Gods
Glyrea ♀serpents, venoms, & poisonsChaoticSociety of the Serpent (cult)58Petty Gods
Gnunnugthe number sevenLawful58Petty Gods
Go'Ruushintelligence & subterfuge (ogre god)Chaotic61Petty Gods
God of the Iron Urnmadness & sacrificeChaotic59Petty Gods
God on the Mountainthe city of Shazid MonChaotic59Petty Gods
Gor Nochri & Gar Nochrigossip, rumor, unfounded hearsay, & baseless speculationChaotic60Petty Gods
Gôrgônmjôlk ♀steel & metallurgyChaotic61Petty Gods
Grand Planar Godgateways & byways of the planes (guardians)Neutral62Petty Gods
Grandpa Toadflapstashes & cachesNeutralFrog Gods63Petty Gods
Gremlynmechanical mischeifNeutral63Petty Gods
GroínThe Battered Dwarf TavernNeutral64Petty Gods
Grugzaretsubterranean darknessChaotic65Petty Gods
Gyttjanpeat & mireChaotic65Petty Gods
Haiah"judicious retreat"Neutral66Petty Gods
Harbordorum(divine imposter)Chaotic66Petty Gods
Heka-KuphiccupsChaotic67Petty Gods
Heolstorthe breath of dying menNeutral68Petty Gods
HexadroncubesLawful68Petty Gods
Hlinjassabroken dreams, fleeting nightmares, & lucid dreamingChaotic69Petty Gods
Hlo-Hlothe Dead Man's Diamond (protector, spider god)Chaotic69Petty Gods
Hoddypeakfools, simpletons, & village idiotsLawful70Petty Gods
Hweegarlhitching postsNeutral71Petty Gods
Hymenphalia ♀♂hermaphroditic fertilityLawfulThe Jale God70Petty Gods
InsitorserpentsLawfulThe Society of the Serpent (cult)72Petty Gods
Iracaecusflaming fury & blind rageChaotic72Petty Gods
Ixomantthe dark & fear of the darkChaotic73Petty Gods
Jabimbroken thingsLawful74Petty Gods
Jaiden ♀jade & jade carversLawful74Petty Gods
Jale Goddelusion & dissolutionChaoticThe Jale God75Petty Gods
Jessra ♀truces, armistices, & parleysLawful76Petty Gods
Jexvenna ♀the spoilage of rationsChaotic76Petty Gods
Jhillenneth ♀(mother of) horrorsChaotic77Petty Gods
Johnny Hopperrevelry & frog kissing (frog god)NeutralFrog Gods77Petty Gods
Jöögengeldmockery, sarcasm, & schadenfreudeChaotic78Petty Gods
Jus'enufsmall favorsNeutral78Petty Gods
KahladahtundeathChaotic79Petty Gods
Kakanuawanayam destitutionLawful79Petty Gods
Kalantosaxe executionsLawful80Petty Gods
Kaldrabikkia ♀violenceChaotic81Petty Gods
Karga Savashadeath birds & tengu warrirosNeutral81Petty Gods
Khaldranathdraft animalsNeutral82Petty Gods
Khorissa ♀ghoulsChaotic82Petty Gods
Kilooloogungrising smokeLawful83Petty Gods
King Shroomthe mushroom kingomLawful83Petty Gods
King Under the Mountainthe downtrodden & oppressedLawful84Petty Gods
Krythyle ♀snares & foot trapsChaotic85Petty Gods
Kwuundlemisplaced objectsChaotic85Petty Gods
Kypselusdeals, bargains, & creeping corruptionsChaotic86Petty Gods
Lacta Lacrima ♀pointless regret & remorseChaotic87Petty Gods
Lady of Cauldronscooking, food favorLawfulThe Jale God87Petty Gods
Lady of Lost Angles ♀mathematical errorsChaotic88Petty Gods
Lady of Rains ♀political corruption & indiscretionChaoticThe Jale God89Petty Gods
Lady of Tasks Forgotten ♀forgotten tasksChaotic89Petty Gods
Little Lightssmall lights in underground placesLawful91Petty Gods
Llewelbent nailsChaotic92Petty Gods
Lobonyouthful ambition & naive hopeLawful92Petty Gods
Loe-Han ♀recidivism, licentiousness, addition, & uncontrolled urgesChaotic92Petty Gods
Lord BarleycornharvestChaotic93Petty Gods
Lord Downalldrains & floodsChaotic94Petty Gods
Lord Greenstone(noble)LawfulThe Jale God95Petty Gods
Lord of Mediocre Plotshackneyed stories & unoriginal talesLawful96Petty Gods
Lubella ♀transformationNeutral96Petty Gods
Lumagogitching & festering woundsChaotic97Petty Gods
Luriel ♀temptresses & cosmeticsChaotic97Petty Gods
Machukcrafting & artifice (trickster)Lawful98Petty Gods
Magpie Princess ♀magpies & pregnant mothersChaotic98Petty Gods
Magrundi ♀guano & trogiobitic verminLawful99Petty Gods
Maharb'aalremorse & guiltChaotic100Petty Gods
Mai-iaMright angles, regular shapes, & symmetric patternsLawful101Petty Gods
Mainormilitary disciplineLawful101Petty Gods
MaladminbureaucracyLawful100Petty Gods
Man in the Moon, Thevoyeurism & aloof observationChaotic102Petty Gods
Manguaça ♀alcoholic stuporChaotic103Petty Gods
Manidono (the Dude)slackers, half-assed-effort, & loose changeChaotic104Petty Gods
Mar Nodrare & seemingly random fortune & misfortune during combatChaotic105Petty Gods
Mearra (Pantheon)the inevitability of timeby individual106Petty Gods
Meer-Smahflatulence preventionLawful107Petty Gods
Meifer ♀streetlamp lightersLawful107Petty Gods
Mephassurosmislaid & unanswered prayersNeutral107Petty Gods
Merramorinathe lawful end of timeLawful as NeutralThe Mearra108Petty Gods
Mespilusmedlar trees & their fruitNeutral109Petty Gods
Micicara ♀vendettas & murderer's possessionsLawfulThe Mearra109Petty Gods
MicoBurning oilChaotic110Petty Gods
Mixmalixpranks & pratfallsChaotic110Petty Gods
Moen Hepnirthe peaks, pinnacles, & summits of mountains & glaciersNeutral111Petty Gods
Moorealethlost chaptersNeutral112Petty Gods
Morbiphallugusvenereal afflictions & sexual disfunctionChaotic112Petty Gods
Mosht Al Bloppfetid poolsChaotic113Petty Gods
Moslamminthe shutting & closing of doorsLawful114Petty Gods
Moss-Worn GoatsterilityNeutral114Petty Gods
Mystical Martanpranksters & jerks (trickster)Chaotic115Petty Gods
Naaragiga ♀jellies & moldsNeutral116Petty Gods
Nanefesteradfalse friendshipChaotic116Petty Gods
Nanny Binx ♀physical & intellectual sustenanceLawful117Petty Gods
Nardreahidden taxes & caches of timeLawful as NeutralThe Mearra117Petty Gods
Naughtinvisibility & invisible stalkersNeutral118Petty Gods
Nazarashbroken glassChaotic119Petty Gods
Nebiusdismal fogs & dreary mistsNeutral119Petty Gods
Neco ♀political assassinations & contract killingsLawful120Petty Gods
Neubslain novice adventurersChaotic120Petty Gods
NeuphsilenceNeutral121Petty Gods
Nhuccythe proper invocation of magical words & spellsLawful122Petty Gods
Nocton Zythonhallucinations & sailorsNeutral122Petty Gods
Nox ♀twilightNeutral123Petty Gods
NugmadnessChaoticCthulhu124Petty Gods
Numathothgnostic revelations (former godlet)ChaoticDead Godlets of Suto Lore125Petty Gods
Nweeboredom & ennuiNeutral125Petty Gods
Nyctalopsthe lost/wayward, moonlight, & vampiresChaoticThe Jale God126Petty Gods
Obnomehtdentistry & teeth pullingNeutral127Petty Gods
Ochlos Volgusangry mobsChaotic127Petty Gods
Odxitunexplained smellsNeutral129Petty Gods
Ogrim0xpurulent skin conditionsChaotic129Petty Gods
Okladentists & ivory carversLawful130Petty Gods
Old Mother ♀lost & orphaned childrenLawful130Petty Gods
Old SnickerinsultsChaotic131Petty Gods
OllolldehypnogogiaNeutral131Petty Gods
OobooracloudsLawful132Petty Gods
Ooomblood, power, & strengthChaotic133Petty Gods
Ophurtonfinances, investments, & profitsNeutral133Petty Gods
Ormix Prolobscure wordsLawful134Petty Gods
Otda'Btatlebattle (toad-demon-god)Chaotic134Petty Gods
OttocheeseNeutral135Petty Gods
Oukmissing limbsChaotic135Petty Gods
Pafflurdreams & premonitionsLawful136Petty Gods
PäkkaanThe Northern Wilderness (guardian)Neutral136Petty Gods
Paleonumisretired currenciesLawful137Petty Gods
Palester Olhmdeath by a thousand cutsNeutral137Petty Gods
Panathoth ♀The Circulating Library (former Goddess)LawfulDead Godlets of Suto Lore138Petty Gods
Pandantilusgong farmers & muck rakersNeutral138Petty Gods
Patchwork Godgolems & constructsvaries139Petty Gods
Patisseria♀pastries & dessertsNeutral139Petty Gods
Pelchakotricks & revengeChaotic140Petty Gods
Perichronaosthe age of outer past (godlink)Neutral141Petty Gods
Pherosathoola♀sexual fearNeutral142Petty Gods
Philespuriolies & irrationalityChaotic143Petty Gods
Pilikkeskipping stonesNeutral143Petty Gods
Polly♀elven barmaids & tavern workersLawful144Petty Gods
Pollycocklesmall children & youngest siblingsLawful144Petty Gods
Possimiumnocturnal creatures (possum god)NeutralOrder O'Possinium (cult)144Petty Gods
QinmearthacreationChaotic145Petty Gods
Qu'panfrustration & madnessChaotic147Petty Gods
Quachil Uttausage, death, decayChaoticCthulhu145Petty Gods
Qualdonicrossroads & the number 4Neutral146Petty Gods
Quantum Ogrewhimsy & vagary (ogre god)Chaotic147Petty Gods
Qurgan Quagnar3-legged toadsChaotic148Petty Gods
Qwarghournmiscibilities, mixology, & dyspepsiaNeutral148Petty Gods
Qzyma'asynchronicityLawful149Petty Gods
Raselomfitful & unpleasant restChaotic151Petty Gods
RasoobbronzeNeutral151Petty Gods
Ratacus Gantgiant rats (rat god)Chaotic152Petty Gods
Ravel♀/Unravelbad fortune & good fortuneChaotic152Petty Gods
Rhan-Tegothmadness, yetius, remorhazChaoticCthulhu153Petty Gods
Rosartia♀things long forgottenNeutral154Petty Gods
Rusilviatime wasters, entertainments, & orderly amusementsLawful (as Chaotic)The Mearra154Petty Gods
Sa'hwosecrets revealed (clam god)Neutral155Petty Gods
Saint BiritusdrunkardsNeutral155Petty Gods
Saint Gunterosmotic knowledge & illiteracyLawful156Petty Gods
Saint Vineria♀eyesLawful156Petty Gods
Sant, DewiprovidenceLawful157Petty Gods
Sant, IltudsalvationLawful157Petty Gods
Sant, Teilotriumph over evilLawful157Petty Gods
Satrum♀bloodlettingChaotic158Petty Gods
Screbblocobblers & quality footwearLawful158Petty Gods
Seppophis♀snares, entanglements, webs, & spidersChaotic158Petty Gods
Sernissecrets & whispersChaoticSociety of the Serpent (cult)159Petty Gods
Sertettiknives, scalpels, & methodical serial killersLawful (as Chaotic)The Mearra160Petty Gods
Seshati Pyhatia♀scholarly pursuitsLawful159Petty Gods
Silvarnolate submissions & missed deadlinesNeutral160Petty Gods
Skaalfish out of waterChaotic161Petty Gods
Somnauforgotten injuriesNeutral161Petty Gods
Sorga♀elements of sorrowAll162Petty Gods
Sousrogainterstitial spacesChaotic163Petty Gods
Sovereign Bastardcretins, shit-heads, & trollsChaotic163Petty Gods
Sylzarkhogforgotten knowledgeLawful164Petty Gods
Tallemaja♀huldras and lamlasLawfulThe Jale God165Petty Gods
Tarvinadolescent adventurersNeutral166Petty Gods
Tautombs & cemeteries (guardian)Lawful167Petty Gods
Teptrigor♀pruderyLawful167Petty Gods
Termarrthe lawful execution of timeLawful (as Chaotic)The Mearra168Petty Gods
Termas Tunnellerroot cellars (hamster god)Lawful168Petty Gods
Thebchimney potsNeutral168Petty Gods
Their Wife♀politeness & the spouses of theater directorsNeutral169Petty Gods
Thufsecrets & unexplained windsChaotic169Petty Gods
Thwizeviblizbaby laughterLawfulThe Jale God170Petty Gods
Tix-ka-tixpatienceLawful171Petty Gods
Tlacotanisudden innundationChaotic171Petty Gods
Tonyachildren's teethChaoticThe Jale God172Petty Gods
Tremella♀pub crawling & drunken loveChaotic173Petty Gods
Tricruxia♀forked tunnelsNeutral174Petty Gods
Tsathogguadivine slothfulnessChaoticCthulhu175Petty Gods
Tsrurastarvation, illusion, & time's wintry endLawful (as Chaotic)The Mearra176Petty Gods
Turqoise Idol of CommuniontransformationLawful177Petty Gods
Tuu Bih D'turmin'dempty spaces yet to be filledLawful177Petty Gods
Tybesi-Ofood, cusine, & gluttonyChaotic178Petty Gods
Tyopprint errors, mistranslations, minor heresiesNeutral178Petty Gods
U'illa♀the isle of eels (eel god)Neutral179Petty Gods
Undeklost soulsChaotic179Petty Gods
UngsiknivesChaotic180Petty Gods
Urglu♀mutationsChaotic182Petty Gods
Uroborialis♀instinctual wisdomNeutralThe Jale God181Petty Gods
Verlorelost people & thingsNeutral183Petty Gods
Verthishsingle pipsLawfulThe Jale God183Petty Gods
Vexarusvirulent diseases & treason (mouse god)Chaotic184Petty Gods
Vindico Vindicatumappropriated creditLawful185Petty Gods
Vodelthe seas of AelloChaotic185Petty Gods
Vydiacharlatans & over-promisersChaotic187Petty Gods
Wart Mother♀warts (frog god)NeutralFrog Gods188Petty Gods
Whisper WillcrossroadsChaotic188Petty Gods
Wicked Skein♀unwelcome messagesChaotic189Petty Gods
Wudderhoot-hoot♀nocturnal huntingNeutral191Petty Gods
Xaxolxabandoned altars (guardian)Neutral192Petty Gods
Xinrael♀neglected orchards & rotting fruitsChaotic193Petty Gods
Xooxremote outhousingNeutral193Petty Gods
Xumaltetprimal emotions & savage urgersChaotic194Petty Gods
Yattle-Hoy(cowardly gods)by individual195Petty Gods
YebmadnessChaoticCthulhu195Petty Gods
Yellow Kingmadness that comes with ageChaoticThe Jale God; Pallid Cout (cult)196Petty Gods
Yemelesdrunkards (protector)Lawful197Petty Gods
Yeolnuma(scarab god)Chaotic198Petty Gods
Yessirabsurd ordered obeyedLawful198Petty Gods
Yggrdhearth-tenders & meal-preparersLawful199Petty Gods
Yhoundeh♀elk & elk herding societiesNeutral199Petty Gods
Ykeluwolf godChaotic200Petty Gods
Yululuntombs & cemeteries (guardian)Chaotic200Petty Gods
Yurmself-injuryNeutral201Petty Gods
Ywehbobbobhewymagic mirror portalsChaotic201Petty Gods
Yyyquestions & riddlesChaotic202Petty Gods
Zeekil♀needless painChaotic203Petty Gods
Zezekehurled cursesNeutral203Petty Gods
Zikcub♀sickly animalsLawful204Petty Gods
Zirkonia♀shiny thingsChaotic205Petty Gods
Zodrazseeds & toilLawful205Petty Gods
ZumbiboodustLawful206Petty Gods
Zuurrtlost lifetimesNeutral207Petty Gods
Zyni Moegodly knowledge (protector)Neutral207Petty Gods
Zzyzzirrational fearsChaotic208Petty Gods
Stormlord, The20Prayer of the Forgotten #1
Blessed Saint Osthenes the Pure9Prayers of the Forgotten #1
Aladantle♀beautyLawful Good34Unknown Gods
Alinah♀moonLawful35Unknown Gods
AniutimeNeutral36Unknown Gods
Ayu♀windsChaotic Good36Unknown Gods
Bachontoired wisdomLawful Good9Unknown Gods
Bandorackfeline animalsNeutral10Unknown Gods
BeytnorntreesNeutral22Unknown Gods
BondorrswordsNeutral17Unknown Gods
Braz-KazensmokeChaotic21Unknown Gods
Bukeradessert mountainsLawful4Unknown Gods
CilborithelvesLawful Good16Unknown Gods
Coriptis♀battle, berserker goddessChaotic37Unknown Gods
CorrnothievesNeutral22Unknown Gods
Crondussa ♀eaglesLawful14Unknown Gods
DacroncraftsmenNeutral27Unknown Gods
DorakpeaceChaotic Good26Unknown Gods
DyrantrilalchemyNeutral35Unknown Gods
Enrion (The Crowned Canine)dogsNeutral45Unknown Gods
EqniearthNeutral37Unknown Gods
Feninva ♀bloodChaotic Evil16Unknown Gods
Frantilla ♀flyingNeutral Good14Unknown Gods
Grismalguardian of the underworldNeutral29Unknown Gods
HeigiantsNeutral23Unknown Gods
Hercon ♀directional magicNeutral11Unknown Gods
IhlwyndpestilenceEvil42Unknown Gods
Jedahad Birdsummer stormsChaotic Evil24Unknown Gods
Kadrimsmall birdsLawful7Unknown Gods
Kala KalafireChaotic38Unknown Gods
KazadarumdwarvesNeutral31Unknown Gods
Kodeusdexterity, Patron of thievesNeutral Evil17Unknown Gods
Kolrak MartrollsChaotic Evil28Unknown Gods
KuvartmamoonLawful Evil33Unknown Gods
Limtram ♀meadowsNeutral8Unknown Gods
Lord Skortchpillage, rapine, thoughtless actsChaotic Evil33Unknown Gods
LosborstwineChaotic Good19Unknown Gods
MabontsightEvil41Unknown Gods
Margonneevil plansLawful Evil10Unknown Gods
MawdornshadowsChaotic Evil18Unknown Gods
Mesha (The Bringer of Seasons)the seasonsChaotic Good44Unknown Gods
MidororcsChaotic Evil26Unknown Gods
MolnatravelersLawful Good32Unknown Gods
MondorenttombsLawful Evil18Unknown Gods
Montintra♀lightning and mirrorsLawful Evil24Unknown Gods
Mosinylothe north windNeutral20Unknown Gods
MungonightmaresEvil30Unknown Gods
MururluassassinsLawful Evil20Unknown Gods
Ostyednatural disasters, creator of catastrophesChaotic Evil40Unknown Gods
Pasperussouthern starsChaotic Evil3Unknown Gods
Patressa ♀deep-water fishChaotic Evil16Unknown Gods
Penelopania♀musicChaotic Good31Unknown Gods
Pernatemsculptures, immortal imageNeutral42Unknown Gods
Pheloniousancient kingsNeutral30Unknown Gods
Phread the Sightlessunseeing, blindnessChaotic45Unknown Gods
PromhenetimeNeutral Good21Unknown Gods
RagthawatersLawful38Unknown Gods
Rahda (The Child God)Chaotic45Unknown Gods
Rastri ♀strength in revengeNeutral Evil4Unknown Gods
Rhiannon ♀witchesNeutral6Unknown Gods
SashujusticeLawful13Unknown Gods
Scodemthe huntLawful19Unknown Gods
SelytonpainChaotic Evil41Unknown Gods
Shashukgreat red dragonChaotic Evil39Unknown Gods
Shinakadmercy for the trappedLawful Good5Unknown Gods
Shindra ♀dancing girlsLawful Evil5Unknown Gods
Suthak♀fertilityChaotic Good28Unknown Gods
Tangadornsky dwellersNeutral9Unknown Gods
Tar-Arkthe invisibleNeutral Good23Unknown Gods
Tardomeaerial warfare, falconsNeutral39Unknown Gods
Tel Starnothern starsChaotic29Unknown Gods
TerosforestChaotic Good34Unknown Gods
Teth Tufa♀gnomesGood46Unknown Gods
ThanatosdeathLawful Evil44Unknown Gods
Tika-NahucampfiresChaotic Good12Unknown Gods
TorrchasfoolsChaotic15Unknown Gods
Trameronthe seasNeutral12Unknown Gods
TyrebilllightLawful Good15Unknown Gods
Umannahsun god, the radiant deathLawful3Unknown Gods
Vavistatunexplained doomsChaotic Evil13Unknown Gods
Vernaha ♀pixiesLawful11Unknown Gods
Vicon ♀visionsLawful Good6Unknown Gods
VidmorbeesNeutral27Unknown Gods
Xirchiriogchaos unboundedChaotic43Unknown Gods
Zarkonlong riversNeutral7Unknown Gods